The article describes the process of developing a high-precision measuring Converter of pulsewidth modulation (PWM) signals into a constant voltage. The review of existing types of converters is given, ...
The security of the operation of the objects of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation determines the high level of defense capacity of the State, security ...
This article discusses the prospects, technologies and methods of using biometric data in cryptosystems. A method of using random biometric data for generating 256-bit sequences is also proposed.
The paper discusses one of the solutions to the problem of increasing the survivability of passive optical networks based on the representation of the network as an optical ...
In the context of technological progress, it is very difficult to train a telecommunications specialist who fully possesses the knowledge and skills to operate all the ...
The concept of the intellectual hall of meetings means implementation of a subsystem of control and access control. The number of the functions which are carried out by ...
In this paper, a biotechnical device for recording and assessing a person's physical activity is presented, which is a dumbbell equipped with a microprocessor board and inertial sensors. To restore ...
The rapid development of wireless communication systems leads to a constant complication of methods for regulating the use of the frequency spectrum. The number of wireless communication services ...
Based on the simulation of the process of faults in the electrical communication cable and the simulation of the device for making such faults, a prototype was developed. ...
This article is about implementing a hematological analysis through computer vision algorithms. This type of analysis is one of the basic analyses providing huge amount information about patient ...
The article analyzes the main methods of spectral analysis as a tool for empirical data processing. The theoretical foundations of the Fourier transform and wavelet transform (in continuous and discrete forms) ...
Now, in the conditions of a continuous increase in information exchange between territorially distributed subscribers, there is a need to increase the efficiency of using the time-frequency resources of existing communication ...
To realize a photon network, functioning components and commutating systems capable of processing optical signals, are essential. The transformation of an optical signal into an electrical one as well ...
This article aims to consider the effect of electromagnetic radiation from the base stations of mobile operators. Often the radiation levels exceed the maximum permissible conditions and do not correspond to ...
The paper examines the main reasons for fault in the electrical communication cable. The imitating modeling of the springing up of fault in the electrical communication cable was carried ...
In this article we consider the application of the modern object detection method – Single Shot Multibox Detector. We have trained the convolutional neural network for vehicle detection on ...
Real images are not a random image with a uniform distribution, so using them as containers in steganography coding is an actual task. Non-formatting encoding methods use image ...
In the present work, we develop the efficiency estimation technique for multimedia data transmission, which is based on the common analysis of Quality of Service (QoS) ...
In this article we are proposing one approach to concealing information in images. This approach uses the redundancy in grayscale image model to make up data vessels. To ...
This article discusses methods for steganographic encoding additional information using three different orthogonal bases. The bases are represented by the functions, which occupies a different bandwidth in the ...
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