The article discusses the task of developing a behavioral analytics subsystem for a system of protection against targeted attacks and the application of its work on operating systems ...
The paper proposes a mathematical model for calculating the release time of a new software release. This model allows you to evaluate the difference between the operation of ...
This article presents research results of holacratic models implementation for high-tech sector of Russian and foreign markets. The relevance of conceptual models implementation to organizational systems is caused ...
This article presents the results of the feasibility analysis and an image of an automated business process management system for pizzerias. The era of computerization does not stand ...
The article describes the process of forming requirements for a control and monitoring system for a micro-arc oxidation (MAO) installation. The need to ensure multi-level protection of equipment and ...
This article presents a new algorithm for optimizing the activity planning of sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks. The algorithm is based on the use of a trainable ...
The article conducted a study and analysis of the problems that arise in the course of the activities of the beauty salon administrator. The administrator plays an important ...
One of the key tasks of production management is to reduce the percentage of defects in finished products. The quality management system audit procedure acts as an assistant ...
The role of information technology in the life of modern society is undeniably large. Today, many political processes, as well as the activities of state bodies, are moving ...
This scientific and practical article presents the creation of an information system for rating pedagogical staff of a general education institution by means of the object-oriented programming language ...
The article presents the results of the analysis of the electronic information and educational environment of the ANO IN BUKEP as part of five segments. The purpose of ...
Changes in global trends in IT infrastructure in business do not stand still, and one of the developing areas is peripheral and cloud computing. So in recent years, ...
Technologies are developing quite quickly, "new minds" bring mobility to people's lives, improving quality and minimizing the time spent. A large number of various technologies are being created ...
The article identifies and describes the main problems in the field of quality control of manufactured products: the problem of timely data transmission, the problem of lack of ...
The article deals with the urgent task of improving the universal decimal classification (UDC) in connection with its numerous shortcomings. The examples given in the article show that ...
Over the past few decades, due to the explosive growth of social media, online resources, and microblogging sites such as Twitter. There was an influx of ...
Blockchain technologies have recently begun to develop very actively in the world market. Every year this technology exceeds all the expectations and forecasts of experts in this field ...
The main topic of this article is the study of the problems of access to structured information on a certain topic and the organization of social communication of ...
Times change. Technologies are used that not only simplify our lives, but also help us to effectively use all the benefits, as well as the achievements of mankind. We ...
The article discusses the process of applying the method of system-object simulation modeling to solve the problem of optimizing organizational and business processes on the example of the ...
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