The rapid development of wireless communication systems leads to a constant complication of methods for regulating the use of the frequency spectrum. The number of wireless communication services is growing and more and more frequency bands need to be allocated to provide them. Interference from simultaneously used in one frequency range of radio transmitters leads to significant distortions in transmitted information and can significantly hinder the operation of telecommunication systems for various purposes. Achievements in the field of software-oriented radio systems and, in particular, cognitive radio allow solving these problems. The existing standard of IEEE 802.22 cognitive radio uses different approaches to detecting the signal of the primary user of the channel. High accuracy of signal detection is necessary for stable operation of sensing of cognitive radio and the whole system. Each method used in the IEEE 802.22 standard has its advantages and disadvantages. The application of this or that method depends on the radio conditions. The article analyzes methods for detecting the cognitive radio used in the standard by simulation in the MATLAB environment.
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