The model of the technological process for enterprises with the production method of production is investigated. The dynamics of macroparameters of the production process is considered: interoperational stocks and the rate of processing of subjects of labour on technological operations along the technological route. Balance equations are presented for macroparameters of the technological process, which express differential dependencies between macroparameters. The linearization of the system of balance equations is performed and the equations of the perturbed state for macroparameters of the closed system of balance equations are written down. Criteria of stability for macroparameters of the production system relative to the normative unperturbed state are determined. Conditions of the stability of the production system functioning are presented. The interrelation between the magnitude of the tempo and the magnitude of the inter-operational reserve of basic products is shown, which ensures the stable functioning of the production process. A system of equations for the perturbed state of a production system for a special case of stability theory is considered (the case of one zero root of the characteristic equation of the system).
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