The article describes the introduction of an automated document management system in small enterprises through the development of information system software tool "1C: Enterprise". It describes the stages of developing a conceptual model of the relationship with the construction of the circuit configuration of entities and development of an information system with the description of the subsystems that implement functions to be automated; documents for working with documents procedures; reports.
Keywords: information system,
development of software tools,
document subsystem report,
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1. Radchenko M.G., Khrustalev E.Y. "1C: Enterprise 8.3": A Practical Guide Developer / MG Radchenko M.: 2010. 874 p.
2. Development of an Automated Information System Administrator for a Beauty Salon with "1C: Enterprise 8.2" // Innovative Technologies: theory, tools and practices. 2014. Vol.2. P.359-365.