The article covers the problem of calculation of transition processes in distributed control systems for the transfer function of system. The transfer function can be transcendental. The article assumes stability of the control system under study, i.e. the transfer function of the system must be analytic on the imaginary axis and in the right half of the complex plane of the variable. However, the proposed method can be generalized to the case of an unstable control system. To solve the problem, the author applies the frequency characteristics obtained by the transfer function. The article provides the formulas for calculation of the pulse characteristic and also a method of calculation of transition processes in case of any arbitrary input signal. The calculation of transition processes is carried out with the convolution formula and requires determination of the pulse characteristic. The calculation formulas are based on the method of Gauss of numerical integration. The article gives examples of calculation of transient response and corresponding graphics.
Keywords: distributed control systems,
transfer function,
frequency characteristic,
transient processes.
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