DOI: 10.18413/2518-1092-2023-8-4-0-8


The article discusses the urgent task of improving the classification procedure in connection with its numerous shortcomings. To solve the problem, a systemic (system-object) approach to the procedure for preparing the initial material for constructing a classification of any subject area (SbA) was used. This procedure allows you to present the initial information in a systematized form, which ensures its effective use in the construction of conceptual classification models (CCM), and in particular in the construction of a three-dimensional system-object classification. The article describes in detail the stages of system-object classification analysis (SOCA) of any SbA: terminological, conceptual and classification itself; and also presents the SOKA algorithm. The results of using SOKA in constructing a three-dimensional classification are shown using the example of a system-object three-dimensional classification of the SbA “Functional Diagnostic Devices”.

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