DOI: 10.18413/2518-1092-2022-7-4-0-5


The article presents the results of the analysis of the electronic information and educational environment of the ANO IN BUKEP as part of five segments. The purpose of the study is to study the electronic educational environment of an educational organization for the organization of the educational process in connection with the transition to a distance learning format. That is why close attention is paid to the segments of the electronic information and educational environment, examples of their practical use in the educational process implemented on the basis of distance technologies are given. The relevance of the use of electronic information resources of the ANO IN BUKEP as part of: electronic libraries, thematic training portals and other educational sites for the organization of the methodological process of students is considered. The practical examples of the use of segments of the electronic information and educational environment listed in the article  ANO IN BUKEP are aimed at activating the educational activities of students on the basis of dialogical forms of interaction based on existing experience and personal qualities such as independence, communication, reflexivity; contribute to the acquisition of relevant socio-psychological and professional knowledge; the formation of personal and professionally significant qualities and skills, as well as their diagnosis and correction, allow the formation of professional and life skills of students, bring them to a high competence level.

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