This paper presents an approach that allows describing the spatial formation of the electron shells of atoms, based on known principles and rules, in a logically consistent version of the visual representation of an atom. To solve the problem, we have chosen the shell model of a multi-electron atom in the normal state. The basis for the construction of electron shells is the representation of an electron in the form of minimum of potential energy, symmetry, as well as the Pauli principle. We have developed computer models of real atomic structures based on known experimental and calculated data on orbital radii and ionization energies. The principal advantage of the proposed method of atom’s visual representation is that the data of empirical measurements and calculated values of the atomic parameters are used here together to visualize the electron shells of atoms, and not as it is generally accepted, to determine the parameters of atoms. This approach allows us to take a different look at the possibilities of studying and predicting the properties of multielectron atoms.
Migal L.V., Bondarev V.G. Computer visualization of the spatial structure of the electronic atom shell // Research result. Information technologies. – Т.7, №1, 2022. – P. 3-18. DOI: 10.18413/2518-1092-2022-7-1-0-1
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