In work results of computer modeling of parameters of an electron shell of atom such as orbital radiuses and constants of shielding are presented. It is shown that for atoms with completely filled electronic subshells, the dependence of the orbital radii from the nuclear charge (atomic number) can be described by application of a computing experiment, and to consider the received equations as a basis for extrapolation of data on orbital radiuses on all range of atomic numbers of elements what gives the chance of creation of the full scheme of dependence of orbital radii on charging number of the nucleus and calculation of the average size of atom.
Migal L.V., Bondarev V.G., Bondareva T.P. Computer modeling of parameters of the electronic shell of the atom // Research result. Information technologies. – Т.6, №1, 2021. – P. 30-39. DOI: 10.18413/2518-1092-2021-6-1-0-4
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