This article is devoted to the development of a computer system designed to study the emotional stability of a person according to a speech signal in normal and conditions with increased tension based on the methods of phonetic analysis of speech and the criterion for the minimum required voice signal redundancy. The main activity of a higher educational institution is the educational process. To organize the educational process, it is necessary to combine all its elements, to establish their interaction with each other, to determine the content of the activities of teachers and students. A comfortable and prosperous psychological atmosphere in the classroom of the university, undoubtedly, contributes to the success of student learning. One of the main tasks of a teacher at a modern higher school is not only to share scientific information with students, but also to create psychological comfort in the learning process. Studying the emotional state of students in lectures and exams is an urgent task. In connection with this, a special computer system called “Voice Announcer Information System for Identifying Voice” was developed and tested, which is able to automate the process of studying the emotional state of students by voice in comfortable and uncomfortable conditions to identify emotionally stable and unstable ones.
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