DOI: 10.18413/2518-1092-2018-3-3-0-3


The article discusses the possibility of creating a general theory of systems based on the system-object approach, provides a conceptual classification scheme of system components and their properties, which justifies the approach to the system as to the construction of the "Node-Function-Object", and also explores the possibility of formalizing the concept of "system" with using the ideas of the algebraic apparatus of the calculus of Abadi-Kardeli objects. A classification of systems as Node-Function-Object elements is proposed, which uses the classification of communication flows that is included in the concept of the system-object approach. It is shown that with the help of the formal semantic alphabet of system elements of graphoanalytical models proposed on the basis of the basic hierarchy of classes of systemic connections, it is possible to simplify the procedure of decomposition of a complex system.

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